The 8th MISS Summit Forum


Welcome Message

Welcome Message Dear Colleagues,

On this occasion, we are pleased to be able to hold the 8th MISS Summit Forum, which is scheduled for March 14, 2015 (Sat) at " Aichi Spine Institute", located in the Niwa District of Aichi Prefecture. We hold this forum once a year in Japan, with the aim of promoting the spread and development of MISS. It can be held continually with the cooperation of everyone agree and aspired MISS. I am very grateful to you

MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery) is being developed as a safe leading edge surgical method which along with minimizing the burden of treatment on the body has few risks of after-effects and so on, which allows for a speedy recovery and return to daily life. It will continue to proceed in the direction of even less invasive surgery in the future.

This Forum contains special lectures containing surgery videos and luncheon seminar. To improve the operator’s skill are essential with the advancement of medical devices. I hope to make a forward-looking discussion to develop MISS based on the procedure we were shown. We are currently accepting title applications for presentations  which are centered around surgical technique videos to be given at the MISS Summit Forum. In addition, same as last time, medical device company run booths introducing latest equipment. This Forum will become the place to discuss about MISS multilaterally─device, procedure, and theory study.

The forum venue is located in the northwest of Aichi prefecture. It is nearby Kiso River flowing out to the Nobi Plain, prosper as key junctions of traffic, trade, and politics. The national treasure Inuyama Castle and the traditional townscape make it the leading tourist destination of the region. Traces of history are still many here; it is the stage of the battle in the Warring States Period, develop as a castle town during the Edo Period.
Please drop in on this occasion.
I hope you can join us.

Dr. Fujio Ito
President & Representative Organizer of the MISS Summit Forum
President of Aichi Spine Institute